About Us
We are a black owned business with a female owner, Cynthia Samokar located in the Southeastern side of Connecticut. The ultimate mission of Express Yourself Candle Co. is to provide our customers with a unique experience through the ability to express themselves via audio on a candle through a QR code label. It is through this experience that a customer will have candle lighting taken to the next level of enjoyment through sensory. The vision of Express Yourself Candle Co. is to have a showcase of different audio storytelling candles, poems, and music by scanning a QR code on the labels of each candle to hear a unique creative piece about 3-5 minutes long. The vision is for customers who enjoy different expressions of art via fictional short stories, poems, and music by candlelight to enjoy both at the same time.
Each of the audio stories, poems, and music are created, written and recorded by the owner, Cynthia (Green) Samokar and are all fictional, unless otherwise noted. The fragrances were chosen to compliment the story or song. The customer scans the QR code on the label of the product and is brought to a link where they can listen to the audio story or music unique to that candle fragrance. There is also a video that will be displayed on their device by scanning the QR code. The customer is provided with a card with instructions on how to do this, as well as a candle care card for each candle purchased. The link brings the customer to a short description of the audio story or music and a link to go to the website.
Express Yourself Candle Co. is the first audible candle that you can unlock by scanning the QR code on the label. There are storytelling candles, poem candles, and music candles. Each candle has a different fragrance and a unique and original short 3-5 minute fictional story written and recorded by the owner of the business. There is also a music candle line called Renegade Behavior in honor of my late brother, Henry Green. Each candle is handmade by the owner and is a blend of coconut and apricot waxes, which promote a very strong cold and hot throw and burns slow and even. The high quality perfume-grade fragrances are clean and are phthalate free. The cotton wicks do not have harsh metals used in any of the materials, such as lead or zinc. Express Yourself Candle Co. is a female owned and black owned business located in Eastern Connecticut. Express Yourself Candle Co. provides the customer with a sensory experience through sight, smell, and hearing for an enjoyable moment.